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Thursday 22 September 2011

Oh dyes...

I am a proud owner of a hill of dyes. The colours and shades I did not have before were given to me for my BDay by my Norwegian family. One can not help but love them!

At the same time I got huge package from WoW full of delicious fibre. There are some of my old favourites such as baby camel and angora, which I love to spin. 
However... there was also some secret weapon to use in long project I am planning to spend perhaps next two years on doing. I will update on that when I start on it.


  1. Wow, what a lot. Secret project sounds interesting, look forward to hearing more on that one.


  2. So inspiring! Can't wait to see what you come up with :)

  3. Thanks girls. I would start on something straight away, but I am trying to finish sweater for Dag before the winter is over LOL
